AEPROMO has conducted 11 bilingual diploma programs (Spanish and English), with the first one starting in 2013. Despite the limitations on official academic recognition, physicians and other healthcare professionals from Spain and many other countries have pursued the diploma because, upon completion, healthcare professionals truly become well-versed in ozone therapy.

The experience from previous diploma programs has shown that students are highly motivated to learn ozone therapy thoroughly, and they use the diploma to demonstrate to patients and authorities that they have the required training.

One of the keys to the success of these diploma programs has been the continuously updated content, aligned with scientific advancements in ozone therapy. Through this process of updating and deepening, the content has expanded over time. The first diploma (2013-2014) included 270 hours, which increased to 300 hours by the 6th diploma (2020-2021). Since the 10th diploma, the program has expanded to 350 hours (2023-2024).

DR. ADRIANA SCHWARTZCourse Director and Coordinator
MD, Obstetrician-Gynecologist. President of AEPROMO, President of IMEOF (International Medical Ozone Federation), and Secretary of ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy).
MR. ROBERTO QUINTEROLegal advisor and Administrative Secretary
Spain. Lawyer. PhD in Political Science. Diploma in International Relations. International civil servant with the United Nations for over 22 years. Legal advisor for AEPROMO and ISCO3.