To receive the diploma issued by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy), the student must (1) successfully pass the three written exams that are taken at the completion of each of the three modules into which the 350 hours of the diploma course are divided; and (2) submit and approve the written work “end of the diploma course”. The diploma lists the curriculum and the number of hours.
The AEPROMO diploma does not grant credits. It is not recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, nor is it issued by any university or educational center authorized by the Spanish authorities. It serves to accredit the employer and/or the patient and the health authorities that the bearer of the AEPROMO diploma is knowledgeable in ozone therapy, with sufficient solid knowledge to apply ozone therapy according to its scientific foundation and in safe and effective conditions.
Academic degrees and own degrees awarded by Spanish universities
University academic degrees, issued in Spain, are only recognized by the Ministry of Education, not by the Ministry of Health. And Education recognizes a very limited number of medical specialties.
The vast majority of Spanish universities (private and public), carry out an immense number of specialties in very different subjects (medicine, law, architecture, engineering, etc.) that award a diploma called “título propio” (Art. 2, g, Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21).
The “títulos propios” do not have academic recognition by the Ministry of Education. Its only endorsement is that it has been issued by a university or academic institution with that faculty. The “títulos propios” serve “so that scientific and technical innovations are transferred as quickly and efficiently as possible to society as a whole and continue to be its main engine of development” (point VII of the explanatory statement of Organic Law 6/2001).