In recent years, ozone therapy as a complementary treatment has made significant scientific advancements, achieving greater development and wider dissemination. This progress has created an urgent need for practitioners to acquire deeper academic training and for newcomers to familiarize themselves scientifically with this important therapy.
Importance of training
Modern ozone therapy has become a medical specialty. Weekend courses are very convenient and necessary, but intensive and in-depth theoretical training, combined with hands-on practice under the direct supervision of experts, is essential for professionals who truly want to become ozone therapists.
Medical act and complementary therapy
Ozone therapy is a “medical act.” It is a complementary (not alternative) therapy and is therefore classified among new technology techniques that enhance, facilitate, and optimize conventional treatments, making it an additional tool in the medical professional’s therapeutic arsenal. This diploma program is specifically designed to help train qualified healthcare professionals to elevate their medical practice to a level of excellence.