To receive the diploma issued by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy), the student must (1) successfully pass the three written exams at the end of each of the three modules into which the 350 hours of the diploma are divided, and (2) submit and pass the final written “end-of-diploma” project. The diploma includes a detailed curriculum and the total number of hours completed.
The AEPROMO diploma does not grant credits. It is not recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, nor is it issued by any university or institution authorized by Spanish authorities. However, it serves to certify to employers, patients, and healthcare authorities that the holder of the AEPROMO diploma possesses solid knowledge of ozone therapy, with sufficient expertise to apply it in a scientifically grounded manner and under conditions of safety and efficacy.
Academic Degrees and Private Degrees Awarded by Spanish Universities
University academic degrees, issued in Spain, are recognized only by the Ministry of Education, not by the Ministry of Health. Additionally, the Ministry of Education recognizes a very limited number of medical specialties.
The vast majority of Spanish universities (both private and public) offer a wide range of specialized programs in various fields (medicine, law, architecture, engineering, etc.) that award a diploma known as a “private degree” (título propio) (Art. 2, g, Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21).
Private degrees do not have academic recognition from the Ministry of Education. Their sole endorsement is that they are issued by a university or an academic institution authorized to do so. Private degrees serve “to ensure that scientific and technical innovations are transferred to society as quickly and effectively as possible and continue to be its primary driver of development” (point VII of the preamble to Organic Law 6/2001.