AEPROMO working every day for knowledge dissemination and strengthening of  ozone therapy


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We present ozonetherapy around the world

The Scientific World

The General Population

It is a scientific journal access is free. Is bilingual (Castilian and English), online and indexed in LATINDEX and DIALNET.

The Spanish Journal of Ozone Therapy is proud to publish in this issue the best original works of students who participated in the University Course Distance of Ozone and ozonized Growth Factors (2013-2014 edition). Course organized jointly by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and AEPROMO. Other original articles are also published.

Crisis and unemployment are discouraging news we hear every day in different media that only manage mentally exhausting society. People want to read, see and hear productive information that will contribute knowledge and be useful to their daily lives.

This is precisely the objective that our magazine Ozone, Health and Life wants to achieve. Our team is focused on report with a simple and enjoyable to people of all ages who want to improve their quality of life and like to take care of language, the perfect way to prolong and enjoy life more years of full health.

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