In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce

[Ley de Servicios de Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico], the Spanish Association of Medical Professionals In Ozone Therapy [Asociación Española de Profesionales Médicos en Ozonoterapia] (hereinafter AEPROMO), is entered in the National Register of Associations of the Spanish Ministry of the Interior, Group 1, Section 1, National Number 591332, File Number: 35073.


AEPROMO is a scientific medical association, non profit-making, that has among its objects the following: Publicizing the benefits of ozone therapy, publishing scientific advances made in this therapy, enhancing the knowledge of its members and other health professionals who are not members, of the application of the therapy. For the achievement of these objectives AEPROMO organizes educational activities of various types such as congresses, courses, diploma courses and releases publications to disseminate in a scientifically way the medical benefits of ozone. In order to benefit from these activities members and non-members of AEPROMO must pay for some of them while others are free. To join the association possible candidates pay a subscription fee. Members pay an annual fee.


AEPROMO is the owner of the website


This Legal Notice contains the main services and functions of the website, which also include the General Terms of Use of the Website, its Policy on Cookies, Privacy Policy and General Contractual Terms. All of these may be altered wholly or in part by the owner of the website, and you are thus advised to review them on a regular basis.


Remember that before beginning to use any of the services or functions of AEPROMO you must read this Legal Notice, the General Terms of Use of the Website, its Policy on Cookies, Privacy Policy and General Contractual Terms.


You can contact AEPROMO through the following different means:



To the following telephone numbers:

Landline in Spanish and English: (+34) 351 5175

Mobile in Spanish and English (+34) 669 685 429

Mobile in Spanish (+34) 609 608 737


The address of AEPROMO: Avenida Juan Andrés 60, local 1 bajo posterior, 28035, Madrid (Spain).



The website uses information security technology generally accepted in the industry such as firewalls, access control procedures and encryption mechanisms, all of which in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve these objectives the user/customer agrees to AEPROMO obtaining data for the purposes of authentication of access controls.


Jurisdiction and applicable law

This website is governed by applicable Spanish and European laws. The courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain) shall have jurisdiction over any disputes which may arise in relation to the services provided by way of this website, with express waiver of any other venue to which the user/customer is entitled.

The Parties submit in any event to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain) for the resolution of any judicial dispute deriving from the interpretation and/or performance of these General Terms and of any Private Terms laid down, with express waiver of any other venue to which they are entitled.

The Legal Notice, the General Terms of Use of the Website, Policy on Cookies, Privacy Policy and General Contractual Terms are written in both Spanish and English. However the only official version of these documents are those written in Spanish.

This content is also available in: Spanish

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