Aepromo has among its main objectives to work so that ozone therapy is duly regulated in Spain. In other countries of the world, through Imeof (International Medical Ozone Federation) of which Aepromo is a founding member, the association contributes scientifically and legally to the proper regulation of this therapy.
Private sector
So far, at the express request of Aepromo, 15 Spanish autonomous communities, of the 17 that the kingdom has, by means of “directives” have established the “rules of the game” so that ozone therapy can be practiced legally in private centers located in their territories.
The directives, only in Spanish, are in
Tab: Members area / access to members area.
Once in members area: legislación / ozonoterapia / España
Public sector
Ozone therapy is practiced in 23 Spanish Public Hospitals. In 2020 the number was of 20
Click here to see the total number of Hospitals where Ozone Therapy is currently practiced.
In other countries of the world
Aepromo, a founding member of Imeof (International Medical Ozone Federation), introduced the subject of regularization on the federation’s agenda.
There are already 14 countries where ozone therapy has been regulated throughout the country or in parts of it:
Greece (1991 and 2014) First country in the world to regularize ozone therapy.
Ukraine (2001 y 2014). Second country in the world to regularize it.
Italy (2003, 2007 and 2009)
China (2005)
Russia (2005 and 2007)
Spain (between 2007 & 2012). 15 autonomous communities.
Cuba (2009 and 2015)
Sultanate of Oman (2010)
United Arab Emirates (2011). Dubai City
Portugal (2013-2014)
Turkey (2014)
Brazil (2015, 2018 and 2020)
- Brazil. Dentistry 2015
- Brazil. Medicine, 2018
- Brazil. Veterinary, 2020
México (2018). One state.
Venezuela (2020)
In at least seven of these countries IMEOF participation has been significant.
Roberto Quintero and Adriana Schwartz, respectively legal advisor and president of Aepromo have analyzed in a systematic and documented way, what is the legal situation of this medical therapy in different countries. The results of their research are in:
Ozone Therapy Global Journal (formely Revista Español de Ozonoterapia (Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012).
ISCO3. 2nd updated and extended edition May 20, 2015.
The research has been carried out with a dual purpose:
(a) That ozone therapists, with valid legal tools and scientific instruments, work so that ozone therapy is duly regulated in their countries.
(b) That the health authorities duly regularize the practice of ozone therapy, based on the criterion that it is a medical act and a complementary therapy.
For more detailed information on the legal status of ozone therapy in Brazil
Human medicine
For a more detailed analysis of human medicine
The protocols are an essential part of the association’s know-how and are the property of Aepromo. Please do not share them with third parties.
The association strongly advised its members to ensure that all their patients are adequately informed of the medical interventions in which medical ozone will be used. It is highly convenient, although it is not mandatory for certain treatments, or in certain countries, to formalize and sign an informed consent before starting the therapy. For this, Aepromo has developed informed consent models.
The protocols and the informed consents are posted on in the members area” of the association’s website.
The international congresses organized by Aepromo have obtained the title of “Health Interest”, granted by the Spanish Health Authorities.
The title of “Health Interest” of the 1st Aepromo congress of 2009 was the first that the authorities granted it to a scientific ozone therapy event in Spain. Since then Aepromo has obtained it for its congresses.
The face-to-face congresses are held in medical schools or in very high-level medical academic centers. The only non-face-to-face congress was the 2020 one due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
6th International Congress, “For the recognition and regulation of ozone therapy as a complementary medical act”. Completely only, due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19. Madrid, November 14 and 15, 2020.
Fifth International Congress, “Better Ozone Therapy with Training, Research and Publication”. Madrid, June 2-3, 2017, Faculty of Medicine, Madrid Complutense University.
Fourth International Congress, “For a Professional Practice of Ozone Therapy”, Madrid, June 6-7 2014, Faculty of Health Sciences, King Juan Carlos University, Alcorcón Campus.
Third International Congress, “The Ozone Therapy in the Medical Agenda”. Madrid, June 8-9 June, 2012, Faculty of Medicine, Madrid Complutense University.
Second International Congress, “International Meeting of Ozone Therapy Schools”. Madrid, June 3-4 June, Royal National Academy of Medicine.
During the congress it was approved the important document the “Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy” (1st ed.) which has become the worldwide reference document in the practice of ozone therapy. Document that is updated every five years by Isco3 and is now in its 3rd ed. (2020). It has been translated into different languages.
First international congress, “New Horizons for the Ozone Therapy”. Pontevedra, Galicia, June 5-6, 2009.
International Meetings of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy
The international meetings of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, organized by ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) with the organizational, logistical and administrative support of Aepromo have obtained the title of “Health Interest”, awarded by the Spanish health authorities.
International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (Second Edition), “Towards an United Approach to the Practice of Ozone Therapy Worldwide”. June 12, 2015 at the Royal National Academy of Medicine, Madrid (Spain).
International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (third edition). It was scheduled for June 6, 2020, at the Royal National Academy of Medicine, Madrid (Spain). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was not carried out.
The association organizes, sponsors and supports the organization of different types of teachings to disseminate in a scientific way the benefits of ozone therapy; and to strength the knowledge of its members in the implementation of the therapy to provide a better and faster improvement to their patients.
Since its foundation in July 2008 to date AEPROMO has organized more than 40 courses in different subjects with an average of three teachers per course, two days long and with intense schedules. One course was one week.
Due to the high interest that the course have had Aepromo has to implement waiting lists. The written comments made by the students of the courses have given in the vast majority of the courses a 100% approval by the scientific level and the pedagogical method of the teachers.
Aepromo courses, congresses and diploma courses – those already carried out, such as those to be carried out – can be found at
Tag: Congresses and courses
Diploma course in ozone therapy (300 hours, bilingual and online)
Since 2013 AEPROMO has organized eight diploma courses “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors Induced with Ozone“. They are Spanish and English diploma courses; and students must present an “end of the diploma course” written work.
The best research papers of the students are published in the Ozone Therapy Global Journal.
The hourly intensity of the diploma is 300. Until the 5th diploma course (2019-2020) it was 270 hours.
The curriculum included an intense theoretical-practical face-to-face week carried out entirely in a clinical setting, but due to Covid-19 the diploma course is currently 100% online.
All the courses and the face-to-face weeks of the diploma course have been carried out in Madrid, and only in clinical areas authorized by the health authorities.
The 8th diploma begins on November 15, 2021 and will end on June 15, 2022.
The courses and the diploma are addressed to professional graduates in medicine (general practitioners or specialists), dentistry, veterinary, and podiatry. Other professions such as nursery, pharmacy, biochemistry and biology who perform their functions, basically in the field of clinical care or research in human or animal health.
Aepromo publishes the “Ozone Therapy Global Journal” (former Spanish Ozone Therapy Journal). It is an annual publication (comes out in May), peer-reviewed, online, bilingual (Spanish and English) and indexed in the databases of electronic journals of LATINDEX ( and DIALNET (http: //
The journal has been published uninterruptedly since May 2011. In addition, special supplements are published throughout the year.
Access to the journal is completely free.
The 3rd. edition of the Madrid reflects the latest medical and scientific advances that have occurred in the scientific world of ozone therapy. The information summarized in the Declaration is based on over 3,000 scientific publications, books and articles found in the Ozone Therapy International Library of ISCO3.
Tag. Ozone therapy world library
1st edition (2010)
Approved at the “International Meeting of Ozone Therapy Schools” held at the Royal National Academy of Medicine in Madrid on June 4th, 2010, under the auspices of AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy).
2nd edition with updates and addendum on Dentistry (2015)
Approved by ISCO3 on May 10th, 2015 and officially presented at the “International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (2nd ed.)” held at the Spanish Royal National Academy of Medicine in Madrid on June 12th, 2015, under the auspices of ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) and the administrative and logistical support of AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy).
3rd edition with updates and addendums on Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine (2020)
Approved by ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) on March 22th, 2020. Its official presentation was scheduled at the International Meeting of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (third edition) on June 6, 2020, at the Royal National Academy of Medicine, Madrid (Spain). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was not carried out.
For its updating ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy), depositary of the Declaration, requests the collaboration of ozone therapists around the world to propose modifications. When making the international call, ISCO3 received a significant and important number of proposals from ozone therapists from very different countries in the world.
The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy allows to work with specific objectives, ensuring unified practice with great precision and safety.
The Declaration has become a reference document for those who practice ozone therapy and therefore is available in different languages, English being the official document.
Foreword by Dr. Juan del Rey Calero, Emeritus Professor of Preventive Medicine, Autonomous University of Madrid, Full Member, Royal National Academy of Medicine (Spain)
Available in English & only online.
Adriana Schwartz et al. “Guidelines for the Medical Use of Ozone – Fundamentals and Therapeutic indications” (only in Spanish and electronic version).
AEPROMO, 2011, 315 p. + XVIII + 11 p. color plates.
Members will find in this website the decisions adopted by the General Assembly and the Management Board; the “Ozone Treatment Protocols”, models of informed consents; government reports done on ozone therapy; research – the only one in the world – on legislation and legal status of the ozone therapy in different countries; etc.
Potential patients find general information about ozone therapy, in the “purpose of the web” and “ozone therapy” tabs; and in the tab “find a professional” potential patients you will find out in which countries and cities they may find ozone therapists to contact.
On average, each person who visits the web sees about 6 sections, indicating that many professionals use the web as a consultation tool. Between January to July 2021 the number of Hits (clicks made, indicating the interactivity on the page) is approaching one million per month. The average number of visits per day is 452. The average time spent on the page is close to 10 minutes, which indicates that the contents of the web are widely consulted. There are people who read the contents of the web for up to an hour, showing that the contents find them very interesting.
As Aepromo’s website is bilingual (Spanish and English), it allows it to have a huge presence outside of Spanish-speaking countries. The most active countries visiting the page are Spain, followed by the United States, Mexico, China and Russia.
Aepromo also entered the world of social networks. From the web you have direct access to Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
Aepromo managed to place within the objectives of the federation that work was done so that ozone therapy was duly regulated in other countries of the world and particularly in those where associations affiliated with Imeof are found. To do this, Aepromo, through the federation, collaborates with other associations by providing scientific and legal research so that therapy is duly regulated in other countries.
The two fundamental elements that are required for associations that wish to join Imeof:
- That the association support, disseminate, and teach the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, with the purpose that it becomes the reference document for its members.
- That the association commit to work towards the regulation of ozone therapy in the country where it is located.
The official languages of the Federation are Spanish and English.
Aepromo maintains and updates the website in English and Spanish.
The president is Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of Aepromo. The vice president is Dr. Frank Shallenberger, president of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy.
Imeof is based in Madrid and is governed by Spanish regulations.
Aepromo reached an agreement with the insurance broker Uniteco to write down the ozone therapy in their policies as a medical specialty secured to the ozone therapy for both liability policy professional, and for policy consultation (society). Ozonized growth factors are included to be a regular treatment within the specialty of ozone therapy.
Other insurance companies say that ozone therapy is included in your policy, but do not specify it in writing.
The insurance policy, including ozone therapy, is issued by Seguros Bilbao (Grupo Catalana Occidente).
Aepromo not get any financial benefit from this agreement, nor those who handled the deal.
Each member is totally free to sign or not the insurance with Uniteco because policies are issued directly to the member and not through the association. Each member will decide whether to continue with the insurance company with whom he has his policy or if he hires one with Uniteco.
Any questions about insurance should be addressed directly to Uniteco, not to Aepromo.
The policy is only available to health professionals working in Spain.
Interested in having an Uniteco policy should contact directly Uniteco: Calle Pez Volador 22, 28007, Madrid
Tel.: (+34) 912 06 12 00 • Fax: (+34) 91 504 1566
Both are implemented, for example, at the Election of the Management Board. Members vote for persons and not for closed lists. So members will choose persons who they consider to be better placed to manage the association. The Management Board elections are held through an open list.
Medical ozone equipment companies are observer members and only have the right to speak. They do not have the right to vote.
This content is also available in: Spanish
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