• Intense three-day theoretical-practical seminar organized by AEPROMO.
  • Two months before, the “full capacity” signboard had to be hung.
  • Eight doctors participated as speakers and/or professors from Brazil, Spain, Honduras, Mexico, and Portugal.
  • Health professionals from 10 countries participated. 50% were Spanish.
  • Triumphant return of ozone therapy at the College of Physicians of Madrid.

The theoretical-practical seminar of

“Modern Ozone Therapy and Regenerative Medicine” of three days (May 31, June 1-2, 2024) with an intensity of 23 hours, took place in its theoretical part at the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid, similar to a State Medical Board of the USA (7 hours); and in its practical part (16 hours) in the totally clinical environment of the Garcilaso Clinic.

The seminar aroused immense interest on the part of the health professionals, to whom it was directed, to the point that two months before starting, the organization had to hang the “full capacity” signboard.

Professionals from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Spain, France, Guatemala, Honduras, México, and Portugal participated. Ten countries in total, of which 50% were Spanish.

Ozone therapy again at the College of Physicians of Madrid

Ozone therapy made a grand return to the College of Physicians of Madrid, with the theoretical part of the seminar being held in its facilities. It was officially inaugurated by Dr. María Esther Cordón Muro, member of the Board of Directors of the College of Physicians of Madrid, in representation of the Free Exercise Doctors.

AEPROMO had its headquarters since 2010 at the College of Physicians of Madrid, being expelled by the previous board of directors in 2017, alleging false bureaucratic reasons. In reality, the expulsion was given on the instructions of the Spanish OMC (Collegiate Medical Organization, similar to the Federation of States Medical Boards of the USA, which by law brings together all the College of Physicians of Spain), by qualifying “motu proprio”, without hearing from the scientific organizations of ozone therapy, and without any scientifically justification to ozone therapy as a pseudotherapy. https://www.cgcom.es/observatorios/oppiss

However, the College of Physicians of Madrid, by unanimous decision adopted on December 9, 2022, stated that there was “sufficient scientific evidence to understand that ozone therapy can be used as a complementary treatment for therapies such as cancer, among other pathologies.” Decision that endorses ozone therapy, contrary to the arbitrary determination of the OMC.


Images of the Seminar

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