Official Journal of Aepromo
Leading Publication in the Scientific World of Contents on Ozone Therapy

Bilingual: English and Spanish
Annual, peer review, online, of free access, and indexed journal.
Scientific journal issued in Madrid (Spain) continuously since 2011.


The edition (No. 14, No. 1., 2024) of “Ozone Therapy Global Journal” is now available online.


With this edition “Ozone Therapy Global Journal” celebrates 14 years of uninterrupted publication since 2011. With legitimate pride we can say that it is an editorial and scientific event of enormous magnitude within the periodical publications of medical ozone therapy in the world. Today, it is the only bilingual journal (English & Spanish), of its kind, that can boast of this achievement for the benefit of the medical and scientific dissemination of ozone therapy.


Editorial of the journal. We cordially invite you to read the editorial written by its director, Dr. Adriana Schwartz, “Challenges for the Journal to Continue Publishing”


This content is also available in: Spanish