Activities held

Activities held2024-06-16T04:04:26+01:00

8th Online Diploma Course

By |8th June, 2021|Categories: Congress past|

2022 Bilingual (English & Spanish), 300 hours with audiovisual material AEPROMO with the endorsement of ISCO3, is pleased to present the 8th edition diploma course of “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors activated with Ozone”, ,fully [...]

7th Online Diploma Course

By |18th January, 2021|Categories: Congress past|

2021 Bilingual (English & Spanish), 300 hours with audiovisual material AEPROMO with the endorsement of ISCO3, is pleased to present the 7th edition diploma course of “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors activated with Ozone”, ,fully [...]

6th Online Diploma Course

By |12th April, 2020|Categories: Congress past|

2020-2021 Bilingual (English & Spanish), 270 hours with audiovisual material AEPROMO with the endorsement of ISCO3, is pleased to present the 6th edition diploma course of “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors activated with Ozone”, ,fully [...]

This content is also available in: Spanish

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