Adriana Schwartz
Adriana SchwartzPresident
MD. Obstetrician-gynecologist.
University expert on Ozone Therapy and Ozonized Growth Factors, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Master, Anesthesia and regional analgesia guided by echography and fluoroscopy.
Certification, Point of Care Regenerative Medicine.
Director & professor of the five 270 hours Diploma Course “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors Activated with Ozone”.
Director & professor of the nearly 40 course organized by Aepromo.
Director, Ozone Therapy Global Journal (former Spanish Journal of Ozone Therapy).
Director, Clínica Fiorela, Madrid.
Scientific Director, Clínica Fiorela, San Pedro Sula (Honduras).
Author of 16 scientific papers and two books on ozone therapy.
Enrique Chavarría Alarcón
Enrique Chavarría AlarcónVicepresident
Spain. MD.
Master in Public Health.
Master in Neuropsychology of High Intellectual Abilities.
Master in Aesthetic Medicine.
University Expert in English for Medicine.
Doctorate in Health Sciences. In progress.
Expert, Diploma “Ozone Therapy and Ozone Induced Growth Factors”, 300 hours, organized by Aepromo (2021-2022).
Member, ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy).
Zotero bibliographic reference manager.
Blanche Talbott Santos
Blanche Talbott SantosTreasurer
Master, Anesthesia and regional analgesia guided by echography and fluoroscopy.
Master in Reasoning and Clinical Practice.
Expert, Diploma Course “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors Activated with Ozone”, 270 hours, AEPROMO.
Author of one scientific paper.
María de los Ángeles Armendáriz
María de los Ángeles ArmendárizPresident, Scientific Commission
Spain. MD.
Specialist in Allergy and Immunology.
Expert, Diploma “Ozone Therapy and Ozonized Growth Factors”, 270 hours, organized by Aepromo (2014-2015).
Physician, Navarra Health Service, 1997-2021.
Director, Navarra Ozone Therapy, 2015-Present.
Mauricio Carreño Peñaranda
Mauricio Carreño Peñaranda Chairman, Claims and Complaints Commission.
MD. Integrative Medicine.
Diploma, Manager and Health Auditor.
Expert, Diploma Course “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors Activated with Ozone”, 270 hours, AEPROMO.

Diana Hausheer
Diana HausheerPresident, Training Commission
Spain. MD.
Specialist in Physical Exercise and Sports Medicine.
Expert, Diploma “Ozone Therapy and Ozone-Induced Growth Factors”, 300 hours, organized by Aepromo (2022-2023).
Physician, Hernani rugby team in 1st division, 2008-2015.
Physician, Thalassotherapy ,La Perla in San Sebastian, 2007 -2010.
Physician, Sanitas Residencial, 2010-2013.
Physician, MC mutual accidents at work, 2011-2018.
Private doctor, specialist in Neural Therapy, 2017-Present.
Prudencia Ridaura Martínez
Prudencia Ridaura MartínezPresident, Disciplinary Commission
Spain. MD.
Research Sufficiency in Traumatology.
Diploma, Medicalized Sanitary Transport.
Master, Aesthetic Medicine.
Expert, Diploma “Ozone Therapy and Ozone Induced Growth Factors”, 300 hours, organized by Aepromo (2022-2023).
Professor in Practice, Department of Anesthesiology, Bachelor of Medicine Valencia.
Teacher, Faculty of Health Sciences, Cardenal Herrera-CEU University.
Roberto Quintero
Roberto QuinteroTechnical Secretary and Legal Adviser of AEPROMO

Not member of the Management Board.
Doctor, Political Science.
Diploma, International Relations.
Worked with the United Nations for over 20 years.
Legal adviser of AEPROMO, IMEOF and ISCO3.
Author of seven books.
Legal papers on ozone therapy:
Ozone Therapy and Legislation – Analysis for its regularization, ISCO3, 1st ed 2012. 2nd ed, 2015.
Preliminary Legal Evaluation – Legal Situation of Ozone Therapy In Brazil. IMEOF, 2018.

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