“Towards the Unification of Criteria in the Practice of Ozone Therapy”


In the webinar (Spanish and open access) on Saturday 17 August 2024, which started punctually at 6:00 p.m. in Madrid, and lasted more than three hours, a very high number of Spanish-speaking ozone therapists participated live.

The large participation of ozone therapists forced the organization to hire an increase in the number of participants, from those originally established with the platform in charge of the technical aspect.

In the very crowded webinar on Saturday 17 August 2024 (in Spanish), ozone therapists from Africa, America, and Europe participated. 25% of the participants were members of AEPROMO.

Since the launch of the 1st. edition of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy, the committee has always made an appeal for ozone therapists from different parts of the world to participate in the elaboration of the Declaration, sending in writing their opinions and suggestions for the next edition. And this is being done for the 4th edition that will be published in 2025.

To achieve a broad reception of suggestions and opinions, ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) approved a program of activities aimed at ensuring that the largest possible number of ozone therapists in the world participate in this great project.

For this purpose, a webinar was convened in Spanish on August 17, 2024, where the president of ISCO3, Dr. Adriana Schwartz, detailed the reference framework and the points that are considered priorities that must be taken into account to begin writing the first draft of what will be the 4th edition of the Declaration.


Likewise, throughout the webinar, all participants were invited to propose in writing modifications, additions, and corrections to the current 3rd Declaration that was published in 2020.


Sending suggestions

The suggestions for modification for the 4th. edition, please send your proposals:

Only address for sending written proposals: info@isco3.org

Deadline for submitting proposals: 15 September 2024


ISCO3 is the exclusive repository of the Declaration, and is solely responsible for any updates to it.

This content is also available in: Spanish