Navigation on the website of AEPROMO

Updated January 19, 2016

On the AEPROMO website you can browse anonymously or identifying yourself.


Without identifying (anonymously)

You may freely surf the page. But you can not get access to the “members area” or to the contents, such as the “Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy”, which require have been previously purchased.


 Identifying with codes

You can surf entering the username and password in the “LOGIN” tab (top blue menu). If you do not have them please register, or if you have lost your password request a new one from the same tab.


 After login in

AEPROMO  members. If you are a member with all fees paid you can get access to the “members area” (top blue menu). If you are a member with unpaid fees you will not get access; please go to “annual fee membership” in “members area”.


Buyers. If you have purchased the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (digital version) press the “Madrid Declaration” tab where you will read it in all languages ​​in which it is available by clicking on the desired language.


End browsing

Press the LOGOUT tab (top blue menu). For future browsing you have to go to “LOGIN” and indentify yourself again.

In case of any problems or questions please do not hesitate to contact us:

(+34) 669 685 429

(+34) 91 351 51 75

This content is also available in: Spanish

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