
Private sector

At the express request of Aepromo, 15 Spanish autonomous communities, of the 17 that the kingdom has, by means of “directives” have established the “rules of the game” so that ozone therapy can be practiced legally in private centers located in their territories.


Public sector

Ozone therapy is practiced in 23 Spanish Public Hospitals. In 2020 the number was of 20.

Click here to see the total number of Hospitals where Ozone Therapy is currently practiced.


In other countries of the world

There are already 14 countries where ozone therapy has been regulated throughout the country or in parts of it:

Greece (1991 and 2014) First country in the world to regularize ozone therapy.

Ukraine (2001 y 2014). Second country in the world to regularize it.

Italy (2003, 2007 and 2009)

China (2005)

Russia (2005 and 2007)

Spain (between 2007 & 2012). 15 autonomous communities.

Cuba (2009 and 2015)

Sultanate of Oman (2010)

United Arab Emirates (2011). Dubai City

Portugal (2013-2014)

Turkey (2014)

Brazil (2015, 2018 and 2020)

  • Brazil. Dentistry 2015
  • Brazil. Medicine, 2018
  • Brazil. Veterinary, 2020

México (2018). One state.

Venezuela (2020)


Roberto Quintero and Adriana Schwartz, respectively legal advisor and president of Aepromo, have analyzed in a systematic and documented way, what is the legal situation of this medical therapy in different countries. The results of their research are in:




The research has been carried out with a dual purpose:

(a) That ozone therapists, with valid legal tools and scientific instruments, work so that ozone therapy is duly regulated in their countries.

(b) That the health authorities duly regularize the practice of ozone therapy, based on the criterion that it is a medical act and a complementary therapy.


For more detailed information on the legal status of ozone therapy in Brazil

Human medicine


For a more detailed analysis of human medicine







This content is also available in: Spanish

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