Monthly Archives: October 2015


By |2016-02-25T21:10:07+01:0029th October, 2015|general, News, Uncategorized|

This commemorative plaque was presented to the family of Dr. Nabil Mawsouf in Cairo on October 1, 2015. Dr. Fadi Sabbah Vice ISO3 traveled to Cairo to deliver. Dr. Nabil Mawsouf, one of the world's brightest experts in ozone therapy, died on August 31, 2015 Dr Mawsouf ISCO3 was a founding member and vice president [...]

Memory Dr. Nabil Mawsouf

By |2024-06-16T04:04:56+01:0015th October, 2015|general, generalist, News|

Dr. Nabil Mawsouf AEPROMO member died on August 31, 2015. AEPROMO Board on behalf of its members sent a message of condolences to his wife, loved ones. Dr. Nabil Mawsouf participated in all international conferences as a speaker AEPROMO. His scientific papers “Effect of ozone therapy on redox status in experimentally induced arthritis” [...]


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