Monthly Archives: December 2016

Right Now Online in Turkish: Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

By |2016-12-23T23:32:15+01:0023rd December, 2016|Document, general, News|

We proudly present the “Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy” (ISCO3, 2nd ed., 2015, 50 pages) in Turkish. With this translation the Declaration is now available online in the following nine languages. Arabic, English (official version), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian Spanish, and Turkish. You can get the Declaration online in any of the nine languages [...]

AEPROMO will award the two best scientific papers

By |2017-01-25T20:06:33+01:0013th December, 2016|general, News|

The 5th International Congress of AEPROMO and 6º International Congress of IMEOF will award the best scientific papers (presentations) to be delivered at the international conference to be held on June 2-3, 2017 at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid. The three members of the Congress Scientific Committee (Adriana Schwartz, Gregorio Martínez and [...]


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