Monthly Archives: August 2018

Reply of AEPROMO to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo

By |2024-06-16T04:04:39+01:0027th August, 2018|News|

Right of Reply of Aepromo to the story "Ozone Therapy is a Major Hoax that we Must Denounce" August 18, 2018 Right of Reply translated from Spanish into English by Roberto Quintero. Story run by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on August 14, 2018. Second printing newspaper in Spain. Second most consulted digital newspaper in [...]

The use of ozone therapy as a palliative treatment in diseases grows in Spain

By |2024-06-16T04:04:39+01:0023rd August, 2018|News|

Madrid, August 23, 2018.- Ozone therapy is practiced in Spain as a complementary, coadjuvant or palliative treatment for various diseases, according to the latest report published by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy). A total of 15 autonomous communities in written responses to Aepromo have established the criteria for the practice of [...]

A step forward and a step back for the Ozone Therapy in Brazil

By |2024-06-16T04:04:39+01:0015th August, 2018|News|

Step forward: Ozone therapy included by the Brazilian government in the public health service. Step back: Ozone therapy forbidden by the CFM (Federal Council of Medicine) to be practiced by physicians in the private sector. Paradox and current legal contradiction: On the one hand ozone therapy is authorized for practice in the public health sector [...]


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