Congress past

3rd International Congress of Orthopedics and Regenerative Medicine

By |2024-09-29T22:05:53+01:0031st August, 2024|Congreso Proximo, Congress past, News|

Hotel Krystal Grand Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. September 25-28, 2024 During the development of the 3rd International Congress of Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Adriana Schwartz, President of AEPROMO and ISCO3, will participate as a speaker and lead a course. The president of the congress is Dr. José Luis Carrillo Gamboa Information and registration: Lic. Sebastián [...]

Invitation Take part in the update of the 4th. Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (MD25), which will be published in 2025

By |2025-02-09T23:23:54+01:0022nd July, 2024|Congreso Proximo, Congress past, News|

“For the Unification of Criteria in the Practice of Ozone Therapy” For the Declaration 4th. ed. which will be published next year (2025), ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy), depositary of the Declaration, requests the collaboration of ozone therapists around the world to propose modifications, additions, corrections to the current 3rd. which was published [...]

Ozone Therapy in Pain Management and Diabetic Ulcer Jakarta (Indonesia) August 24-25, 2024

By |2025-02-09T23:25:03+01:0011th July, 2024|Congress past, News|

In the capital of Indonesia, made up of more than 10,000 islands, and located in Southeast Asia and Oceania, between the Indian and Pacific oceans, the course “Ozone therapy in the treatment of pain and diabetic ulcers” will take place. August 24 and 25, 2024. The course is being organized by the Indonesian Medical [...]

11th Bilingual Diploma Course of AEPROMO

By |2025-02-09T23:27:04+01:0014th February, 2024|Congress past, Courses|

AEPROMO invites you to register for the Diploma “OZONE THERAPY APPLIED TO FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE”, 100% online. Organized by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy) with the endorsement of ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy). More information

Course “Modern Ozone Therapy and its Applications” XXI Century National Medical Center Mexico City, October 13 and 14, 2023 With the endorsement of the SEP

By |2023-10-25T21:51:20+01:001st October, 2023|Congress past, News|

Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy and Scientific Secretary of ISCO3 (International Scientific Secretary of Ozone Therapy) will lead the two-day intensive course. The course is organized by AHOMER (Hispano-American Association of Ozone Therapy and Regenerative Medicine) and whose president is Dr. Estoneck Guevara. The two-day course [...]

Record attendance in 3rd. International Ozone Therapy Congress Sao Paulo (Brazil)

By |2024-06-16T04:04:34+01:009th September, 2023|Congress past, News|

With record attendance on the 3rd. International Ozone Therapy Congress was held in Sao Paulo (Brazil) on September 15 and 16, 2023.   Among the speakers were Doctors Adriana Schwartz and Estoneck Guevara, members of AEPROMO and ISCO3.   Roberto Quintero, legal advisor of AEPROMO and ISCO3, analyzed the recent Law 14,648 on [...]

III International Congress of Integrative Medicine Guayaquil, Ecuador November 17-18-19, 2023

By |2024-02-14T21:32:56+01:0023rd July, 2023|Congress past, News|

Guest speaker: Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of AEPROMO and scientific secretary of ISCO3   Guayaquil, the most populated city in Ecuador and located on the Pacific Ocean coast, will be the place of the 3rd. International Congress of Integrative Medicine, organized by AMEMI (Ecuadorian Association of Expert Physicians in Integrative Medicine), on November 17-18-19, 2023. [...]

Ozone Therapy in Medical Practice Symposium and Workshop on Ozone Therapy Jakarta (Indonesia) 19-20 August 2023

By |2023-09-07T02:24:56+01:0023rd July, 2023|Congress past, News|

Main speaker and professor: Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of AEPROMO and scientific secretary of ISCO3   In Jakarta, the immense capital of Indonesia, located on the island of Java, the symposium and workshop on ozone therapy will take place on August 19 and 20, 2023. The main speaker and professor of this important educational event [...]


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