
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in six languages ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages

By |2016-04-27T00:24:04+01:0027th April, 2016|Document, general, News|

The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following six languages: Arabic: Translated from English by ISCO3 Vice President Fadi Sabbah, DDS. English: Is the only official version. French: Translated from English by Isabelle Debievev and Jean Pierre Eudier. German: Translated from English by Adrian Bühler, President of the Swiss Medical [...]


By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:006th April, 2016|Courses, general, News|

Dr. Adriana Schwartz, President of AEPROMO, participated as the main teacher of the three days training (March 28- 30 March 2016) held in Pereira (Colombia). The course had been organized at the initiative of the AEPROMO member the Colombian Dr. Jaime Gallego The Theoretical and Practical Workshop in Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors participated Colombian [...]

Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in five languages ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages

By |2016-03-29T10:36:13+01:0029th March, 2016|general, News|

The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following five languages: Arabic:  Translated from English by ISCO3 Vice President Fadi Sabbah, DDS. English:  Is the only official version. French: Translated from English by Isabelle Debievev and Jean Pierre Eudier. German: Translated from English by Adrian Bühler, President of the Swiss Medical [...]

Course of High Scientific and Human Interest

By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:0017th March, 2016|general, News|

This way a participant described the International Seminar on Complementary Cancer Treatment  (English and Spanish) March 11-12, 2016 The bilingual, theoretical and practical international seminar received from the participants the note of 94.6%. Health professionals from nine different countries participated in this scientific event. The scientific and methodological preparation of the speakers was rated 100%. The [...]

International Women’s Day. March 8

By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:008th March, 2016|general, News|

FROM AEPROMO CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY In such a significant day we want to send a message of solidarity and appreciation to the work that women do with effort and dedication at home, in the family and at work all over the world. We must continue to strive [...]

Prize awarded to Dr. Adriana Schwartz (President of AEPROMO and IMEOF)

By |2016-02-25T20:32:42+01:0019th February, 2016|award, general, generalist, News, Uncategorized|

The American Academy of Ozone Therapy awarded a prize to Dr. Adriana Schwartz "in recognition of her lifetime achievements and for pioneering work in the medical use of ozone." The award was presented by the President of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy (AAO) Dr. Frank Shallenberger during the celebration of its Fifth Annual Meeting [...]

Brazil recognizes practice of Ozone Therapy in Dentistry (2015)

By |2016-04-04T21:43:25+01:001st December, 2015|general, News|

The Federal Council of Dentistry (FCO) recognized the ozone therapy. Graduate professionals in dentistry must have a minimum of 32 hours ozone therapy course of promoted by a higher education institution duly registered with the Ministry of Education and recognized by CFO.   According to the Brazilian legislation the recognition of medical therapies is made [...]


By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:0029th November, 2015|Congress, Congress past, general, generalist, IMEOF, News|

Under the motto "REGULARIZATION, UNITY AND SCIENCE IN FAVOR OF THE WORLD OZONE THERAPY" 302 health professionals from 15 countries gathered at the congress. Of these numbers 37 were speakers (20 Cubans and 17 foreigners). The conference was jointly held with the Cuban Society of Ozone Therapy (SCO) and the Mexican Association of Ozone [...]


By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:0027th November, 2015|Congress, general, generalist, IMEOF, News, Uncategorized|

Fifteen of the twenty national associations that set up IMEOF (International Medical Ozone Federation) participated through their presidents or representatives in the Fourth Congress of IMEOF held from 27 to 29 November 2015. The IMEOF Ordinary General Assembly of November 27 took place within the framework of the IV Congress of IMEOF (International Medical Ozone [...]


Usuarios: Manuel Martinez Vela, 7 invitados, 7 Bots

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