Five continents present in the 10th ozone therapy diploma course October 15, 2023-May 15, 2024
The starting signal was given for the 10th diploma course on “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors activated with Ozone”, organized by AEPROMO, under the direction of Dr. Adriana Schwartz. The diploma course, completely online, began [...]
The use of ozone therapy expands in Mexico
Mexican Dr. Estoneck Guevara, president of AHOMER (Hispano-American Association of Ozone Therapy and Regenerative Medicine), and member of ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy), in an interview with TOP magazine, pointed out that there [...]
Course “Modern Ozone Therapy and its Applications” XXI Century National Medical Center Mexico City, October 13 and 14, 2023 With the endorsement of the SEP
Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy and Scientific Secretary of ISCO3 (International Scientific Secretary of Ozone Therapy) will lead the two-day intensive course. The course is organized [...]
Record attendance in 3rd. International Ozone Therapy Congress Sao Paulo (Brazil)
With record attendance on the 3rd. International Ozone Therapy Congress was held in Sao Paulo (Brazil) on September 15 and 16, 2023. Among the speakers were Doctors Adriana Schwartz and Estoneck Guevara, [...]
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