Monthly Archives: July 2023

MEXICO. The federal ozone therapy bill continues to be debated in the congress of the republic

By |2024-06-16T04:04:35+01:0026th July, 2023|News|

It is proposed that ozone therapy be "carried out by a person who has professional titles or specialization certificates issued and legally registered by the competent educational authorities."   That ozone therapy is part of public health.   That ozone therapy be "carried out by a person who has professional qualifications or specialization certificates issued [...]

BRAZIL. Bill that “authorizes ozone therapy in the national territory” sent for the signature of the President of the Republic Lula da Silva

By |2023-07-26T14:34:34+01:0026th July, 2023|News|

The initial project (227/2017) was presented to the Brazilian Senate in 2017. It was replaced in the Chamber of Deputies by project 1438 of 2022.  The substituted project was approved by the Senate (July 12, 2023) and has been sent for the presidential signature of Ignacio Lula da Silva.  If approved, Brazil would be the [...]

III International Congress of Integrative Medicine Guayaquil, Ecuador November 17-18-19, 2023

By |2024-02-14T21:32:56+01:0023rd July, 2023|Congress past, News|

Guest speaker: Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of AEPROMO and scientific secretary of ISCO3   Guayaquil, the most populated city in Ecuador and located on the Pacific Ocean coast, will be the place of the 3rd. International Congress of Integrative Medicine, organized by AMEMI (Ecuadorian Association of Expert Physicians in Integrative Medicine), on November 17-18-19, 2023. [...]

Ozone Therapy in Medical Practice Symposium and Workshop on Ozone Therapy Jakarta (Indonesia) 19-20 August 2023

By |2023-09-07T02:24:56+01:0023rd July, 2023|Congress past, News|

Main speaker and professor: Dr. Adriana Schwartz, president of AEPROMO and scientific secretary of ISCO3   In Jakarta, the immense capital of Indonesia, located on the island of Java, the symposium and workshop on ozone therapy will take place on August 19 and 20, 2023. The main speaker and professor of this important educational event [...]


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