It had started on October 1, 2020 and ended on April 30, 2021.

  • The marks obtained and the diplomas were delivered on May 31, 2021.
  • It was a totally online diploma course.
  • The first weeks of the diploma course were dedicated to the Ozonize Saline Solution, ozone administration route, to face COVID-19.
  • It had a record participation with professionals from the five continents: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.
  • The diploma course was taught in Spanish and English.
  • Opinions of the 6th diploma course students.


Strictly complying with the established calendar, the 6th diploma course 100% online on “Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors Activated with Ozone” (2020-2021) began on October 1, 2020 and ended on April 30, 2021. Those who passed the exams and the written “final diploma course paper” the corresponding diploma was sent to them on May 31, 2021.


Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the first weeks of the basic module were dedicated exclusively to Ozone Saline Solution (SSO3), an ozone administration route, recommended by ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) to face COVID -19, as complementary therapy. SSO3 is scientifically backed. The investigative work carried out in a Madrid hospital with moderate to severe COVID-19 patients is published in a scientific journal.


The 6th diploma course had a record participation with health professionals from 19 countries on five continents: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.


Comments received from the 6th diploma course students

  • “I take this opportunity to thank you for the 6th Diploma Course. It has been excellent.”
  • “My sincere congratulations to all the professors, but especially to you
    [Dra. Schwartz] who has handled most of the work.”
  • “I believe that initiatives like this must continue to be promoted.”
  • “I thank you and congratulate you for the excellent 6th diploma course.”
  • “Dr. Schwarz, thank you so much for that gem you sent us on the pathophysiology of the mitochondria and ozone.”
  • “Adriana, excellent lesson in COVID pathophysiology. You have made the complex easy. Great presentation.”
  • “I have already seen the videos and they are made with high academic quality. Thanks.”
  • “Thank you very much for teaching us so much.”
  • “My appreciation, admiration and respect for you Dr. Adriana for the tenacious, courageous, but also daring work to save all those COVID patients. Also to her entire team.”
  • “To express my best wishes and thanks for sharing your knowledge in this 6th diploma course that was of great help to my career and awakening in me the curiosity and desire to continue learning and undertaking in this world of ozone therapy.”


7TH ONLINE DIPLOMA (2021) stared on April 1 and is due to end on October 31, 2021. It has students from four continents: Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. In the same way as in the previous diploma course, it is fully taught in English and Spanish.

As in the 6th diploma course, the first two weeks were dedicated exclusively to Ozone Saline Solution (SSO3), an ozone administration route, recommended by ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) to face COVID -19, as complementary therapy.


THE 8TH DIPLOMA IN OZONE THERAPY (2021-2022) will begin on November 15, 2021 and after seven months, it will end on June 15, 2022. Registration is open. For all the detailed information on the 8th diploma course , visit