• On average, each person who visited the AEPROMO website in 2023, viewed about 7 sections.
  • The average number of visits per day remained, in 2023, above 400.
  • The “Find a professional” section is among the most visited, with a monthly average of 1,300 hits.
  • The most active nationalities visiting the page: Spain, followed by México, the United States, Venezuela, Perú and Colombia.


According to 2023 figures, on average, each person who visited the AEPROMO website viewed about 7 sections, which indicates that many visitors are using the website as a consultation tool.

In 2023 the number of Hits (click events, indicating the interactivity on the page) is around 320,000 per month. Which indicates that the AEPROMO website is a consolidated page, since its visitors, once they know it, go directly to the content of their interest.

The average number of visits per day remained, in 2023, above 400.

The average time spent on the page is close to 10 minutes, which reveals that the website’s contents are widely consulted. There are people who read the contents of the website for up to 40 minutes, showing that they find the contents very interesting.

As Aepromo’s website is bilingual (English and Spanish), it allows it to have a huge presence outside Spanish-speaking countries.

The most active countries visiting the page are Spain, followed by México, the United States, Venezuela, Perú and Colombia.


Find a professional

The “Find a professional” section is among the most visited, with a monthly average of 1,300 hits distributed as follows:

  • 900 hits to “Find a Professional in Spain”.
  • 400 accesses to “Find a Professional in the rest of the world”.


How visitors find the AEPROMO website

A significant percentage of website visitors, 36%, are already regular and knowledgeable users of the page and access it directly.

60% of website visitors access from a search engine, mainly Google. They did it because they didn’t know the page; or because they did not remember their exact address.

Only 4% of visitors access the AEPROMO website from Social Networks or link to the website from other pages.


Consolidated web

The previous figures for 2023 confirm, once again, that the AERPOMO website is a consolidated and well-known page; it is a consultation tool; and it is the most visited of its kind in the world.

Thanks to the website visitors, the reason for its existence, AEPROMO will continue to dedicate resources and time so that people interested in ozone therapy find their visit useful.


It is worth remembering

The page is kept alive and updated only with the direct financial support received from AEPROMO, who in turn obtains it exclusively from the fees of its members and its training activities.


Purpose of the AEPROMO website

The content of the website is informative and is aimed primarily at health professionals. All visitors to the website, both health professionals and those who are not, are reminded that ozone therapy is a medical act and as such must be performed solely and exclusively by a properly trained and with experience physician, dentist, and veterinarian, in the areas of their competencies.

This content is also available in: Spanish