
AEPROMO will award the two best scientific papers

By |2017-01-25T20:06:33+01:0013th December, 2016|general, News|

The 5th International Congress of AEPROMO and 6º International Congress of IMEOF will award the best scientific papers (presentations) to be delivered at the international conference to be held on June 2-3, 2017 at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid. The three members of the Congress Scientific Committee (Adriana Schwartz, Gregorio Martínez and [...]

Dr. José Manuel Pomar San Mateo, Member of the Aepromo’s Board, has passed away

By |2016-11-24T01:27:35+01:0024th November, 2016|general, News|

At the age of 60 the physician from Zaragoza city, traumatologist and university expert in Ozone therapy and Ozonized Growth Factors has left us. Our most heartfelt condolences and sympathies for his widow and Aepromo member Dr. Patricia De Siqueira Da Silva and her little daughter. Dr. Pomar had begun using ozone therapy several years [...]


By |2024-06-16T04:04:54+01:0020th November, 2016|Congress, general, News|

Madrid, November 11-12, 2016 Full house. A waiting list was drawn up. Students rated the scientific preparation of teachers and the development of the enrollment process with 100%. They valued the entire course with 89.29%.    With full house and a very demanding schedule, the students evaluated the course in writing, as is usual in [...]

Now in Russian Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in seven languages ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages

By |2016-06-14T21:08:44+01:0014th June, 2016|Document, general, News|

The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following seven languages: Arabic: Translated from English by Dr. Fadi Sabbah, DDS, Vice President of ISCO3. English: Is the only official version. French: Translated from English by Ms.  Isabelle Debievev and Mr. Jean Pierre Eudier. German: Translated from English by Dr. Adrian Bühler, [...]

Intensive Theoretical and Practical Course Ozone Therapy – Concentrates Growth Factors in Locomotive System

By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:006th May, 2016|Congress, Congress past, general|

  Organized by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy) Language: Spanish Maximum occupancy: 30 persons May Friday 6, Saturday 7, 2016 Venue: Garcilaso clinic. Calle Garcilaso 7 (Luchana street corner 23), 28010, Madrid (Spain).Metro Bilbao   What did the participants say in writing about the course? All excellent! It is an [...]

Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in six languages ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages

By |2016-04-27T00:24:04+01:0027th April, 2016|Document, general, News|

The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following six languages: Arabic: Translated from English by ISCO3 Vice President Fadi Sabbah, DDS. English: Is the only official version. French: Translated from English by Isabelle Debievev and Jean Pierre Eudier. German: Translated from English by Adrian Bühler, President of the Swiss Medical [...]


By |2024-06-16T04:04:55+01:006th April, 2016|Courses, general, News|

Dr. Adriana Schwartz, President of AEPROMO, participated as the main teacher of the three days training (March 28- 30 March 2016) held in Pereira (Colombia). The course had been organized at the initiative of the AEPROMO member the Colombian Dr. Jaime Gallego The Theoretical and Practical Workshop in Ozone Therapy and Growth Factors participated Colombian [...]

Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy in five languages ISCO3, 2nd., ed., 2015, 50 pages

By |2016-03-29T10:36:13+01:0029th March, 2016|general, News|

The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is available right now in the following five languages: Arabic:  Translated from English by ISCO3 Vice President Fadi Sabbah, DDS. English:  Is the only official version. French: Translated from English by Isabelle Debievev and Jean Pierre Eudier. German: Translated from English by Adrian Bühler, President of the Swiss Medical [...]


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