
Members of AEPROMO elect New Board

By |2024-06-16T04:04:54+01:0010th June, 2016|Legacy, News, Newspaper|

10 members set up the board that during the next four years will lead the association.  Elections were conducted through the open list system.  Dr. Adriana Schwartz re-elected as president of the association.  Six members elected in 2012 continue. Four new integrate the new board.   During the Aepromo ordinary general meeting of June 3, [...]

Read the advances in the world of ozone therapy! On line access to the vol. 6, No. 1 (2016)! SPANISH JOURNAL OF OZONE THERAPY

By |2016-05-27T09:00:14+01:0026th May, 2016|News, Newspaper|

Leader publication in the World Scientific Content on Ozone Therapy Published by AEPROMO (Spanish Association of Medical Professionals in Ozone Therapy)   Annual (every May) with supplements, bilingual, indexed, peer review journal, online access. Being at the sixth year of uninterrupted and accurately (every May) publication, we can say that it has being consolidated as [...]


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