What did the participants say in writing about the course?
Excellent organization.
My level of expectation was reached.
Schedules without problems. Intense but thanks to that no many days were missed. Good course.
I must express my pleasure to attend this seminar.
My expectations concerning content and development of the subjects have been more than adequate and surpassed.
As the course ends I feel a certain degree of confidence in the content received and the safety in implementing them in the daily practice of ozone therapy.
I found myself very comfortable and I learned a lot.
The seminar has been thorough and it has met the expectations.
Full the expectations and hands-on sessions have been based on the theory.
Course of high scientific and human interest.
Very productive for professional life.
It was adjusted to everything advertised and exposed.
Very knowledgeable.
Hands-on sessions were good according to the theory.
Clear presentations touching on many Important points of healing and prevention.
I thank you all. Excellent work.
I am really proud to belong to AEPROMO.
Thank you for organizing the seminar.
My congratulations to all the organizers and especially the beloved teacher and president of AEPROMO Dr. Adriana Schwartz.
All perfect. I love the passion (I’m the same) of Dr. Adriana.
Excellent course. Thank you.
Thank you for the course and teachings.
We will be honored to welcome doctors:
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM (Theoretical part, Friday March11, 2016). English-Spanish – Simultaneous translation by professional experts.
- The complementary cancer treatment. Holistic approach: IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy), Biophoton Therapy and UV Light tTerapy in Cancer.
- Chelation therapy: definition, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, effectiveness.
- Saline Ozonated and UVI-Light Therapy in Cancer.
- Role of Glutathione and antioxidant intravenous therapy in cancer.
- Ozone in the Papilloma Virus.
- Ozone therapy in the palliative treatment of cancer.
- Ozone therapy in the management of toxicity in the patient with cancer.
This content is also available in: Spanish