AEPROMO pioneer in the regularization of ozone therapy in Spain and in other countries of the world
From the prohibition in the Community of Madrid to its regularization 15 autonomous communities have established "Directives" for ozone therapy Ozone therapy in 23 in Spanish Public Hospitals 14 countries have legislated in favor of [...]
BRAZIL: By law “ozone therapy is authorized throughout the national territory”
Brazilian President Lula da Silva signed Law 14,648 on August 4, 2023 The initial project was presented in the Senate in 2017 Brazil becomes the 14th country in the world to regularize the practice of [...]
MEXICO. The federal ozone therapy bill continues to be debated in the congress of the republic
It is proposed that ozone therapy be "carried out by a person who has professional titles or specialization certificates issued and legally registered by the competent educational authorities." That ozone therapy is part of [...]
BRAZIL. Bill that “authorizes ozone therapy in the national territory” sent for the signature of the President of the Republic Lula da Silva
The initial project (227/2017) was presented to the Brazilian Senate in 2017. It was replaced in the Chamber of Deputies by project 1438 of 2022. The substituted project was approved by the Senate (July 12, [...]
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