ISCO3 (International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy) is inviting physicians and dentists from anywhere in the world to submit their applications to be members of the committee.

All the requirements to apply may be found at


Applications must be sent no later than April 30, 2023, exclusively to


ISCO3 is an independent scientific medical body from national and international associations or federations of ozone therapy; and commercial companies. As a consequence, its members do not represent any or various national or international ozone therapy associations; its members will act within ISCO3 only in their own capacity.

ISCO3 has been created with the clear intention that it has to turn into an international scientific authority due to the composition of its members; and that its recommendations may become source of reference to all those who practice this medical therapy.

The main document published by ISCO3 is the “Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy”, 3rd. ed., 2020, 106 p.

It is updated every five years with the collaboration of ozone therapists from different parts of the world. The 4th. ed., will be published in 2025.

1st edition: June 2010. 2nd edition: June 2015. 3rd edition: March 2020.


The Declaration is currently available in nine languages: Arab, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian & Turkish.


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