• Hidalgo includes ozone therapy in its legislation. 
  • There are already three states in Mexico that regulate ozone therapy. 
  • Four other states in Mexico are processing ozone therapy projects. 
  • 16 countries in the world regulate ozone therapy throughout their territory or in some parts of it.


With its name, the state of Hidalgo pays tribute to the father of the Mexican nation, the Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

The state of Hidalgo, whose capital is Pachuca, and with a population of more than 3 million, approved to include ozone therapy in its “Health Law”.

The project to include ozone therapy in its legislation had been presented on April 14, 2023, jointly by deputy Miguel Ángel Martínez Gómez (PRD, Democratic Revolutionary Party) and deputy Vanesa Escalante Arroyo (MORENA, National Regeneration Movement). The parliamentary initiative sought to modify article 12 bis of the Health Law of the state of Hidalgo, in order to include ozone therapy in said Law. https://aepromo.org/en/state-of-hidalgo-mexico-initiates-the-legislative-process-to-regulate-ozone-therapy/

The State Congress approved ozone therapy through Decree 301 of 2024 and it was published in the “Official Journal” of the state on April 22, 2024. http://www.congreso-hidalgo.gob.mx/biblioteca_legislativa/leyes_cintillo/Ley%20de%20Salud%20para%20el%20Estado%20de%20Hidalgo.pdf

Of the 32 states that the Mexican Republic has, three of them already have ozone therapy incorporated into their legislation.

The first to do so was Nuevo León (2018). https://aepromo.org/en/ozonoterapia-is-part-right-now-in-the-law-of-the-mexican-state-of-nuevo-leon/

Mexico City has followed (January 2023). https://aepromo.org/en/mexico-continues-to-regularize-the-practice-of-ozone-therapy/

And now Hidalgo (April 2024).


Legislative initiatives in other states of the Mexican Republic

Bills on ozone therapy are currently being processed in the congresses of the following states:

  • Morelos. Presented by Deputy Tania Valentina Rodríguez Ruiz on July 19, 2020.
  • Quintana Roo. Presented by deputy Ana Ellamín Pamplona Ramírez on July 20, 2020.
  • Baja California. Presented by Deputy Julio César Vásquez Castillo on August 24, 2020.
  • Sonora. Presented by Deputy Rodolfo Lizárraga Arellana on February 16, 2021.



Legal status of ozone therapy in the world.

It is regulated in 16 countries, throughout its territory or in some of them.

  1. Greece – Pioneer in the regularization of ozone therapy in the world (1991 and 2014)

  2. Ukraine (2001 and 2014)

  3. Italy (2003, 2006, 2007, 2009). In 3 Regions of the 20 that the republic has.

  4. China (2005)

  5. Russia (2005 and 2007)

  6. Spain (between 2007 and 2012). In 15 of the 17 communities in the kingdom.

  7. Cuba (2009 and 2015)

  8. Sultanate of Oman (2010)

  9. United Arab Emirates (UAE). In the Emirate of Dubai (2011)

  10. Portugal (2013 and 2014)

  11. Türkiye (2014)

  12. Brazil (2015, 2018, 2020, and 2023)

  13. Mexico (2018, 2023, 2024). In three states of the 32 that the republic has.

  14. Honduras (2019)

  15. Venezuela (2020)

  16. Germany (2020)





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